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Healthy Family Sept 10th Radio Show and Batch Cooking

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Healthy Family Program Sept 10thCBQO Radio Show 1 - 2 pmDiscussing FASD Month and World Suicide Prevention DayPrizes!Batch Cooking 5 - 7 pm at the Wellness…

Smoothies and Healthy Snacks Monday 10:15 am at the Arena

smoothies in a glass with a straw

Full Poster smoothies-snacks-sept-9.pdf (100.76 KB)

World Suicide Prevention Day Student Event

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To mark World Suicide Prevention Day, students will walk to Prophet House at 1:30 pm on Sept 9th.Poster suicide-prevention-day-2024.pdf (…

Suicide Prevention Week Activities

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Full Poster and Schedule suicide-prevention-week.pdf (95.03 KB)

Délın̨ę Got’ın̨ę Government Day

Deline Government Day Poster

In honour of signing the the Délın̨ę Final-Self Government Agreement on September 1st, 2016, the Délın̨ę Got’ın̨ę Government has declared that September…

Radio Bingo Friday, Sept 6

bingo card

School $4,000 Radio BingoFriday, September 6Cards will be sold at the school foyer at 4 pm.Bingo starts at 7 pm.Details bingo-sept-…

Sahtu Secretariat Office Closed Monday

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The Sahtu Secretariat Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labour Day; and will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd.

Smoothies at the School Friday 10:15am

smoothies in a glass with a straw

Smoothies are being served at the school on Friday, September 6th, at 10:15 am.Poster smoothies-sept-6.pdf (74.62 KB…

Announcing DGG Day!

celebration poster

The DGG has declared that September 1st of each year will be known as “Délı̨ nę Got’ı̨ nę Government Day”, which will be a holiday for the residents of…

Community Meeting re: Sawmill Bay CANCELLED

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Community Meeting re: Sawmill Bay CANCELLED
