Education Department
Click for Information about Education Funding
The Department of Education serves Délı̨nę residents, beneficiaries, and citizens with several programs and services.
Preschool and Daycare
The Tudzǝ́ Ɂerı̨htł'ékǫ́ Preschool and Daycare provide care and instruction to children from infancy until they begin kindergarten. Registration forms can be picked up at Tudzǝ́ Ɂerı̨htł'ékǫ́. If you have any questions, please talk with the Preschool Manager or call at 867-589-3000.
Summer Day Camp
The Délı̨nę Sadǝ́ Camp is a seven-week fun-filled day program for residents aged 7 to 13. Watch for registration notices.
Graduation Award
Beneficiaries and citizens graduating from grade 12 and beneficiaries graduating from a post-secondary program are entitled to a monetary award! You must apply within six months of your graduation date. Please complete and submit Form G – Grad Award.
Summer Student Employment
The Department of Education hires Délı̨nę high school and post-secondary students to work at the Day Care and Summer Camp. Please print and complete the Summer Employment Application and give it to the DGG Employment Officer.
Summer Student Success Award
Summer students who successfully complete their term of employment with the Délı̨nę Got’ı̨nę Government are provided with a monetary award to honour their achievement and assist with continued education. Please complete Form F and have it signed by your supervisor before submitting it.
Need Help?
If you need assistance with the forms or have any questions, please contact the Post Secondary Student Success Worker at 867-589-3515 extension1110 or email at education.support@gov.deline.ca.